Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Kakaraea Methodist Church

This is a place I've been wanting to photograph for a long time. Located about 20 minutes or so out of Maungaturoto in the Kaipara along gravel roads the Kakaraea Methodist Church was first opened on Sunday March 29th 1874 and built under the direction of missionary Rev. William Gittos for the purpose of being the central church for his mission to the Maori in this region.

Unfortunately the entry door was locked so I couldn't take decent photos of the interior, so this one I had to make do with through one of the windows.  Apparently the church has special significance as the land it stands on was deliberately picked because of it's tapu (sacred) status in connection with the death of Hautatu (Chief Arama Karaka) and others at the battle of Ranganui (part of the musket wars). Otamatea Marae which is nearby and is the meeting place for the local Ngati Whatua tribe - it is still used today for events and tangis (burials).

Linking up with My Corner of the World and Skywatch Friday.


Susan Heather said...

What a delightful church.

local alien said...

A picturesque little church, nicely looked after

Veronica Lee said...

I would love to pray inside this quaint little church.

Happy Wednesday!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I'm so glad that it is still used today Amy, it certainly has stood the test of time, a well loved and looked after little church I think ✨

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is a pretty little church, unusual bell cover, not what I'd call a tower

Sharon said...

It's very picturesque.

Bill said...

Looks nice inside, well loved and taken care of.

Pauline said...

That's a lovely little church in a lovely location, Amy. Great photo of it, too.

betty-NZ said...

I love seeing these little places that are still used and respected. The photo tells us a lot.

It's delightful to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

My Corner of the World

William Kendall said...

A pretty tower. I had much the same thought as Bill about the bell tower- assuming that's what it is.

Jim said...

Great church.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A pretty little church and really interesting history. The wood floor looks beautiful.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, The tower is interesting. Pretty church and I like the windows. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I so admire you for the way you learn local history...and thank you for sharing it.

Stevenson Q said...

What a beautiful and quiet church. I have been inside a Methodist church in Tamsui, Taiwan and I really like the wooden interiors it has, something similar to that in Kakaraea.


Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...