Sunday, 6 October 2019

An old treasure

A few years back when both my grandparents had passed away (my Nana first, my Grandad later on), my immediate family and I were at their house trying to sadly sort through their possessions. I had asked my dad if I could pick something to remember my Grandad by. An old tin box caught my eye and once we arrived home I had a look inside...

I was astonished to find 4 very old looking cut-throat razors inside their original boxes. I never knew anything about them so yesterday I saw on one of our local Facebook pages that our local museum was hosting an antiques appraisal day. Tickets were $4 NZD so I snapped one up and ventured inside where I met a very nice man from Hamilton named Adam who advised me that these were over 100 years old from the Edwardian era and considering my Grandad was born around 1917 they were most likely his father's. They aren't worth a whole lot apparently, these ones about $100 NZD all up unless they were gold plated which would've been owned by a wealthy gent, but these quite clearly belonged to a working class man and were German made in origin.

At least I know more about them now...


William Kendall said...

They don't make them like that anymore.

Fun60 said...

What a good idea to let an expert have a look at them. Now you have a piece of history in your possession.

local alien said...

Really really interesting!
Great to find out their history. Makes them even more valuable to you!

Bill said...

Very cool! It's great to know something about them and they add to your family's history

Susan Heather said...

Great to find out more about them. Lovely keepsake of your grandfather.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That is totally awesome to have something going back to your great grand parents. I have a few items from the family and I really treasure them.

Sharon said...

I recognize these. My grandfather used to have several of them and I actually watched him shave with them when I was a little kid. My grandfather's father came from Germany.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

They are treasures because of the family history!


  Photo taken in Pukekohe, Auckland in late November before Summer had kicked in. The whole country was literally afflicted with nearly cons...