Friday, 4 October 2019

Good Morning Mr Moon

I love mornings like this when I can grab my camera and get a good shot of the moon. Our Spring equinox was on September 23rd, around the time I took this photo. Days are slowly getting longer, mornings lighter.

Apart from being able to get outside more for my walks I've been accompanying my youngest on his driving lessons. Here in NZ if you have a learner licence you have to have someone who's had their full licence for 2 years or more next to you in the car when you go out driving. He's getting more confident and hopefully he will go for his restricted licence soon.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful moon shot! An exciting time for your son. Good luck to him!!

William Kendall said...

Learner licenses are used here as well.

Wayne said...

I'm sure your youngest will do great, but I'm sure it's an anxious time you you guys.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wonderful moon

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shot!

Rajlakshmi said...

Beautiful moon shot. The mornings are getting hot in Sydney though. Looks like we are in for a really hot summer.

Bill said...

What a great moon shot. Good luck to your son and his driving lessons.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Excellent shot of the moon Amy. Oh that brought back memories of when my son was learning to drive, quite a while ago now 😉

Sharon said...

I love a good day time moon shot and this one is great.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful ...I always think a day moon is lucky! .... I remember doing practice driving with our youngest. He is the one who now likes to go jeeping on mountain roads and we have gone with him on some scary ones ...but he’s a very good, I guess the practice worked )).


  Photo taken in Pukekohe, Auckland in late November before Summer had kicked in. The whole country was literally afflicted with nearly cons...