Friday, 9 August 2019

Welcome to Sigatoka Markets

On the day we took a taxi into Sigatoka, our driver David narrated all the scenery on the way. This is what Sigatoka looks like, it's quite a run down little town. It's alot tidier and cleaner than most of the roads are.

Through the little side roads people have stalls and tables set up. There is a mixture of products that they have from fabrics, weaving and clothing through to hot food, vegetables, baking, fruit etc.

This was one of the local shops that sold bread and had many people bustling about doing their business. The streets were dusty and not very well maintained.

This is the Sigatoka marketplace, quite small compared to the one we planned to visit in Suva but it was good to see the different fruit and veges people sold.

This one caught my eye, apparently it's a type of bitter melon and it's good for the digestive system.

More people outside on the footpaths and street selling other types of fruit and veges. I tried a type of Hawaiian papaya while I was there and loved it.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


William Kendall said...

The bitter melon looks quite strange to my eyes.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I have a blog friend in Malaysia who writes about bitter melons. I have never seen anything like it. Very exotic outing you took to my eyes.

Photo Cache said...

We use bitter melon in our cuisine. It's an acquired taste. One time I went to a Turkish restaurant and saw this on the menu - stuffed with meat and baked in tomato sauce. Quite yummy.

Worth a Thousand Words

Joyful said...

I haven't yet tried a bitter melon.

Sharon said...

It's great that you explored the area. These area great photos. I'd enjoy looking around here and seeing all the colorful fruit and vegetables.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like an interesting area. More "urban" than I would have imagined. The hot bread sounds good!

Rhonda Albom said...

I've always gone out to the smaller islands so I never spent much time on the main island. I love local markets like this one.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love farm markets ... and always want to try something new. That sure was an interesting place, (your whole trip).

Veges, eggs and crochet

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