Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Back from Fiji...

So, the resort we stayed in was Warwick Resort. A very nice place however the first night we stayed we must've book into the family side of the place as we were kept awake by crying babies and a couple arguing in the hallway then woken up at 6am the next morning by more babies. Once we asked to be upgraded to the adult side it was just peace and quiet - this was the adult pool outside.

This area of Fiji is known as the Coral Coast unfortunately for us we didn't see alot of Coral - quite sad really. This Blue Star Coral looks like a starfish and is not recommended to be touched.

When we walked past the resort along the beach we could see quite a lot of rubbish strewn for quite  along distance. Fiji is quite a dirty country, you would think that with it being a tourist spot they would look after it.

At one end of the beach there were these shacks used for not just living in but also selling fresh fruit and massages - one of them was promoting safe tattoos by an artist.

In Fiji the cows, horses and dogs roam freely. Our taxi driver David was telling us that if you don't have your cow branded with your particular brand and it's found roaming they round up all the cattle at least twice a year and take them away, if you can't prove it's yours you don't get it back. With the dogs the locals feed and look after them, the ones we found on the beach looked very healthy and were so friendly, I didn't want to pat them so much as I had no idea what vaccinations they had had done, if any. Sometimes the locals round them up and take them pig hunting.

More to come...linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


local alien said...

Love the idea of an adult side, as long as you're not kept awake by slightly different noises!
Looks wonderful

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the Blue Star Coral is beautiful. Love the cute dog, I hope it is being taken care of and not just running wild. The trashy area is a surprise. Wishing you a happy day!

Bill said...

Interesting observation on Fiji. I didn't realize they have trash in lots of places. That has to be sad to see. The Blue Star coral is gorgeous. Nice dog, I hope he has a home to go to.
Hope you had a great holiday!

Graham Edwards said...

Many of my New Zealand friends have holidayed in Fiji but I've never been. My only interesting story about Fiji is that the ferry that served Lewis where I live when I came in 1975 was called MV Suilven. After it's Scottish career it became a cattle boat on the Cook Straight. After that it went to Fiji and after some unfortunate 'adventures' it ended up at the bottom of a harbour in Fiji.

William Kendall said...

The dog seems a bit wary.

Lydia C. Lee said...

The coral got trashed in the last cyclone. We were there just after and they were doing work to rebuild the reefs. A two story building on the island we visited blew away completely!! Beautiful starfish tho!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hah, it sounds like an interesting trip. I was surprised that they let the beaches get so ratty. Thanks for the report!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds like they're recovering from some pretty bad weather Amy, bet you still had a nice time.. once you were moved to the quieter side ✨

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Interesting post - dogs roaming freely makes me sad. Vaccinations are my first thought like you.

Sharon said...

A very interesting place to visit. I had never heard of the blue star. I had to look that one up. Fascinating.

Rhonda Albom said...

I have a photo of a blue star coral from Fiji; I always thought it was a unique sea star.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...