Sunday, 11 August 2019

Rodrigo Rozas in Hikurangi

We are finally here back home, the house is a mess with unpacked boxes but we are getting there slowly. We have my 3 teenagers and my oldest son's girlfriend - we are no longer on town supply water, we have a large water tank behind the house that we rely on from the rain so we have had to implement a 5 minute shower timing system and each cycle someone does of the washing machine has to be limited to 30 minute eco wash. 3 of us are working full-time but myself and the other 2 will be job searching this week. I have an interview on Tuesday so fingers crossed.

On the 2 hour drive yesterday we stopped in Hikurangi, my 3 children now know that anytime they get in the car with me it turns into the "Camera Express" because I frequently stop to take photos. This one on the side of the one of the retro buildings is by Northland local artist Rodrigo Rozas. Now back to the unpacking...

Linking up with Monday Murals and Our World Tuesday.


Bea said...

I'm a sucker for murals. My fingers will be crossed for you as well!

Susan Heather said...

Good luck with the job search and the water.

gz said...

All the best with the home hunting.
The Hikurangi murals are is the food and coffee in the coffee shop with antiques shop....

Andy said...

The mural is a beaut.

Sharon said...

You hav some busy times ahead!

Bill said...

What a great mural. Good luck with finding a job.

Rose said...

This is fabulous!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is an amazing mural. Such beautiful colors and a poignant face, too. Good luck with your job hunting.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’m glad you took time for photos and for sharing ! Thank you. Yikes that shower time limit reminds me of us when we moved into married student housing so Bill could finish his degree ...we had four kids 6 to 12 yo...Me working full time, Bill going to school and working, all four in school, teeny tiny water heater. 5 minute showers... 3 at night, 3 in the morning. We survived. You all will too. good luck on the job search.

Iris Flavia said...

You sure wanna fly away - the eyes are very stunning.
Good luck with the job - and water! 5 minutes is ok, though for a shower, even with long hair ;-)

Bertiebo said...

Lovely painting

The Greenockian said...

What a great mural. Lovely!

biebkriebels said...

This is a great mural, she looks so sweet at you!

Tom said...

...what a sweet face!

Sami said...

Welcome to Monday Murals Amy, thanks for participating.
Love the mural! Good luck with the job hunting.

Photo Cache said...

I love murals. I have been dying to do a mural walk in Oakland, California, which is popular for its murals.

William Kendall said...

A beautiful mural.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

What a sweet mural! LOVE the close-up of that face.

s.c said...

Great mural. Love it.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...