Tuesday, 16 July 2019

St Joseph's Anglican Maori Church

St Joseph's Anglican Maori Church is located just on the outskirts of Awanui and was built roughly around 1887. It was given it's name in compliance with the wish of the principal chiefs in commemoration of of the missionary work done by Reverend Joseph Matthews and the ministry of lay-reader Joseph Poutama.

We visited this area in 2018 but never got to venture inside but still a nice tidy church and cemetery nonetheless.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My corner of the world.


Fun60 said...

It looks very well kept.

Photo Cache said...

What a beautifully composed picture.

Worth a Thousand Words

Graham Edwards said...

I think the churches of New Zealand are such an important part of its social history and I love visiting them. This is a very charming one.

local alien said...

A very neat church and yard. I do like your church photos

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful. Nice to read about the Church.

Sharon said...

It's such a pleasant and peaceful scene!

William Kendall said...

It's a beauty.

Bill said...

A small beautiful looking church. The grounds look nice and tidy.

Wayne said...

You find the neatest churches!

betty-NZ said...

I love finding these simple churches dotted around New Zealand. Thanks for sharing this one.

I enjoyed your post at 'My Corner of the World' so much this week!

My Corner of the World

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...