Thursday, 11 July 2019

The end is just the beginning...

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing each other". - Luciano de Crescenzo

I love old things, the older the better. I love history, again the older the better. I love reading about peoples stories and memories. I haven't traveled around the world, I've been to Australia, I've been to Wellington, Queenstown, Nelson, Tauranga, the Far North and Northland. We are due to go to Fiji for a week at the end of July but we think maybe next year we may explore the South Island.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Susan Heather said...

When we visited the cemetery and Brown graves at Te Arai I could imagine the old settlers walking up there, or with a horse and cart, for a funeral.

gz said...

History is fascinating, and by avoiding tourist traps we found much more and deeper history in quiet corners, in our 4 months in your islands

Sharon said...

On my recent trip to Italy, I saw so many very, very old places and buildings and I always want to know what it must have been like when they were built. I wish they could talk.

William Kendall said...

I've always found cemeteries to be quite peaceful.

Graham Edwards said...

Amy I've been fortunate enough to have lived for ten years at opposite ends of the earth. However I didn't regard myself as a traveller. Europe is a fairly small place in terms of travelling but I've only travelled to many of the Western European countries. My brother has never been out of Britain. He's never felt the need. He can't now even if he wanted to but he maintains that there is still so much of Britain to explore that he sees no need to venture further.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I'm a big fan of old things too - interesting statue

Klara said...

one can always explore no matter how far/close to one's home. enjoy your Fiji trip.

Fun60 said...

Cemeteries tell so many stories.

Jenn said...

So much history out there to discover!

Photo Cache said...

I know, me too. I like the old times. If there's a time machine, I'd choose to go back in time instead of forward.

Worth a Thousand Words

Spare Parts and Pics said...

An amazing looking cemetery and beautiful sky. I'm also fascinated by people and their stories and history.

Jim said...

Great post.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I like visiting the old cemeteries. Great photos. Your trip to Fiji sounds great. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

thomas said...

Beautiful place

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nearest I have been to you is Japan or is it Hongkong. Love that cemetery looks like a lot of ours

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Peaceful and beautiful. You live in such an exciting place ... I’d love to visit (if only I were closer to your age instead of at my ancient one)).

Jade Mountain

  Near the centre of Greymouth shopping district there is this sculpture featuring a 2 tonne piece of Jade aka Pounamu. The West Coast where...