Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Te Papaiouru Wharenui

This wharenui (meeting house) at Ohinemutu Marae is located in Rotorua that is named after chief Tama Te Kapua who came from Polynesia in about 1350. Te Papaiouri meeting house was first opened around 1873  but was demolished in 1939. It was rebuilt and opened in 1943.

Happy Matariki (Maori New Year) everyone!

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


local alien said...

Good of you to take her on. Sounds as though she needs a loving family.
Glad to hear you're on the mend!

gz said...

family is family..I hope she will be happy with you.
That is beautiful work on that wharenui

William Kendall said...

Hopefully things improve for her.

I like that structure.

Susan Heather said...

Glad you are feeling better also great that you have taken your son's girlfriend in.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The meeting house is an extraordinary piece of architecture ✨ so glad you are feeling better Amy, honey has many medical uses. So nice of you to welcome in your son's girlfriend 💙

Sharon said...

Glad you are feeling better. That meeting house is beautiful.

Bill said...

Nice building. That is nice that you are taking in your son's girlfriend. Hopefully things will get better for her.

Tom said...

...stay healthy!!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Interesting building. I am glad you are feeling better.

Powell River Books said...

Nice to have a cultural center. Our local First Nation is building one on part of their traditional land that is now a park. - Margy

Photo Cache said...

The building has beautiful carvings.

Worth a Thousand Words

doodles n daydreams said...

Happy Matariki to you as well. May your year go well. The meeting house is very ornate, such a shame that it was demolished earlier, but great that it was rebuilt. We don't see a lot of Maori architecture down here.

betty-NZ said...

Great image, I love seeing them as we travel around.

I'm delighted to have you join 'My Corner of the World' this week!
My Corner of the World

Rhonda Albom said...

I like this whole community and area. It is very interesting.

Suzy said...

Happy Matariki. Glad you are feeling better. Lots of Winter bugs going around.

dropping by from the OurWorldTuesday linkup

Hanging around

  I stopped in town one afternoon on the way home from work and noticed this man and his dog waiting outside one of the shops for someone in...