Thursday, 27 June 2019

Te Pouwairua a Tuhourangi

2 years ago when we lived in Tauranga we travelled through Lake Tarawera for the day. Te Pouwairua a Tuhourangi meaning Tuhourangi's cradle sits at the top of this look out. It is in honour of the Te Arawa tribe of Rotorua who honoured and respected their chief Tuhourangi who long ago lived in this area.

In 1886 the volcano in the background of this photo erupted and the Pink and White Terraces were buried. Recently I read a news article which said that scientists maybe have discovered them underneath all the water. I'm excited to see what happens...

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


William Kendall said...

A grand view!

Lady Fi said...

That is impressive!

Graham Edwards said...

After my temporary absence from Blogland I've just been catching up with your posts. I'm glad to read that you are recovering from your cold. It's always good to see the places you've been. Apart from the pictures it makes me use what passes for my brain to recall if and when I've been to to each place.

Pauline said...

Hi Amy, Like Graham I'm having a catchup day. I love seeing your photos of the Far North, I don't get up there nearly enough. Love the place. I have fond memories of when I took Graham up there and we traipsed around photographing the beaches and churches.

kwarkito said...

thank you for this picture but also for all the commentary that accompanies it

Photo Cache said...

That's a nice structure.

Worth a Thousand Words

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow... the 8th wonder of the world! It will indeed be interesting to see what happens to the terraces.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that would be an exciting discovery Amy, will have to look out for further news ✨

Hanging around

  I stopped in town one afternoon on the way home from work and noticed this man and his dog waiting outside one of the shops for someone in...