Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Meet Mr Lepiota

We were out on a new bush walk we discovered not far from our house and on the way along the path I spotted this wee fellow. I like finding things that are different and kind of weird so mushrooms and fungi tend to appeal to me.

After much googling I found out this one is known as Green Spored Lepiota or Chlorophyllum Molybdites and he is not edible at all. Apparently if it's consumed it can caused gastrointestinal problems.
Think I'll stick to the ones I buy in the supermarket.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World


Trini Altea said...

Ooooh que foto más buena.

Lydia C. Lee said...

This restaurant in Canberra served freshly foraged mushrooms and killed someone!! I'm with you on the supermarket ones...

William Kendall said...

It has interesting textures.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I agree with you. I don't take chances with wild mushrooms. This one is a beauty, though.
My post features a visit to Seattle's Volunteer Park Conservatory.

Fun60 said...

Fungi is there to be admired and not touched is my motto. I would never be able to trust my own identification.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Don't blame you , my days of forrageing mushrooms ar long gone

s.c said...

Of course you have autumn now. By us in the Netherlands we have spring and the fungi are disappeared. Its always amazing how big our world is.

Andy said...

The wee fellow is not so good but the photography is superb.

local alien said...

Nice to discover in the wild but I stick to supermarket mushrooms too!

Rhonda Albom said...

I like the white button or flat mushroom varieties from the store. I just am not comfortable enough to forage for wild mushrooms.

Jackie and Joel Smith said...

Ditto! I prefer the packaged and inspected kind best!

betty-NZ said...

How nice to meet you! That's a great photo and thanks for the info, too. He has lovel spots.

I am so glad you chose to join My Corner of the World this week!

My Corner of the World

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You and my daughter would get on so well Amy, she also noticed every interesting thing when we go bushwalking.. I tend to miss a lot 😊

Sharon said...

One of the just-to-look-at, never-to-eat varieties. It's amazing the damage some mushrooms can do while others are so tasty.

Bill said...

That's scary what some mushrooms can do to you. Fortunately for me, I don't eat mushrooms, don't care for them.

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