Sunday, 12 May 2019

Autumn at Roland's Wood

Last Spring we visited a local dog friendly park called Roland's Wood which consists of 30 acres of land purchased in 1985 by a man named Roland Sansom who converted it into a beautiful woodland place full of trees of different colours.

Yesterday I drove out there again and was happy to see 2 Labrador dogs there with their owners, one of which came up to me for a pat.

There are beeches, liriodendrons, gingko, maples, birches, tupeloes, oaks, sasanqua, claret ash and camellias. Some are in flower and some are changing the colour of their leaves.

It all makes for a lovely array of shades.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

People who donate land for public parks are heroes in my mind. What a beautiful place.

Lady Fi said...

So gorgeous!

local alien said...

Wonderful place. What a terrific thing to do.

Wayne said...

I really like the fist photo, the people give context.

Bill said...

What a beautiful place to enjoy and a nice vision Roland had for it.

Sharon said...

This is so beautiful. I was in Oregon this last weekend and saw some pretty gardens there. What a difference from the desert to places like this and places like Oregon.

Fun60 said...

I imagine it is an excellent place for viewing the changing colours of Autumn.

William Kendall said...

What a lovely place for a walk.

Rhonda Albom said...

It looks like a great park. Is it still privately owned or does the council manage it now?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How beautiful Amy. So many gorgeous trees, wonderful place to sit and contemplate or take a walk 💙

Amy said...

According to their website the FNDC manages it now.


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