Monday, 8 April 2019

Opotiki Maori Pou

This rather impressive carved pou (post) sits in the middle of one of the main streets of Opotiki in the Bay of Plenty. Apparently it represents a variety of activities from the 19th century settlement of the town including including agriculture, horticulture and trading.

Behind the carving is a historical building known locally as the Old Bridger's Building and was once a drapery store. Over the years it has been used as a government office building, for education, dental surgery, factory workshop and a restaurant/cafe.  These days there is a small mural on one side and a jeweler's on the other side but there are various buildings in this town that look just as empty and unused.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and Wednesday Around the World.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is a fine looking building that deserves better and restoring to it's full glory

Rose said...

That building is beautiful! The post is interesting.

local alien said...

That's a beautiful old building. Looks like the style of some old hotels.

William Kendall said...

Beautifully done.

Bill said...

Pretty impressive carved pole. A building that served many businesses, it still looks good.

Fun60 said...

An impressive building and carved post.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely place and photography!

Happy Times to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Photo Cache said...

Reminds me of a totem pole.

Worth a Thousand Words

Joyful said...

Your photo brought back lovely memories of my first visit to Cairns, FNQ (I know you are in NZ) many years ago. I do love this style of building.

Lady Fi said...

Impressive post and great architecture too!

betty-NZ said...

Great post (hehehe) I like finding them during our wanderings.

gz said...

A fine building and an impressive pou

doodles n daydreams said...

Love the photo, I've never seen a pou, it looks rather impressive. And that is beautiful architecture on that building, I hope the town can find a good use for it. It would be a shame to see it demolished.

Sharon said...

Both the building and the post are beautiful. I certainly hope they can save that building. It is so distinctive.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Interesting looking building. The double whammy of Walmart and online shopping has devastated retail stores in small towns here in Oklahoma and elsewhere.

betty-NZ said...

I appreciate you linking up to make My Corner of the World a success! *I don't host Wednesday Around the World any more :)

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Interesting building and structure

Graham Edwards said...

I have very dear friends now living in Opotiki having moved from Gisborne and I visited last time I was in New Zealand. It really is a splendid little place if somewhat isolated and with an air of being aware of its isolation. Not, if I'm truthful, somewhere I'd wish to settle now.

Amy said...

yes I would have to agree with you, it's a very small town and not my cup of tea but I guess if someone has grown up there they would call it home.

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