Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Maori carvings at Paihia

New Zealand is full of wonderfully creative Maori carvings. These ones are located in Paihia, next to the Te Teriti O Waitangi house.

They are also known as Pou or Pouwhenua - Pou meaning "pillar" and Whenua meaning "land", painted red and black they certainly stand out.


gz said...

beautiful work

William Kendall said...

They are eye catching. Quite outside my cultural experience, of course.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Amazing but quite scary in a way

NatureFootstep said...

culture is very interesting. First glance of your shot told me Japan, next said Native americans but you say Maori :) We are quite similar even if far apart :)

Wayne said...

Wow, the carving details are amazing. The names sound similar to US Native American names.

Bill said...

Amazing to see, such beautiful carving details.

Graham Edwards said...

I see the clouds. I'm sure the sun must shine there but I've been several times and I can remember rain.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They certainly do Amy, tres dramatic. The details are amazing, the Maori style is so distinctive ✨

Sharon said...

Very beautiful!

Jenn said...

So interesting seeing art from around the world! (I am in Canada)

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