Monday, 5 November 2018

The Dog Tax War Mural

On the side wall of the Rawene 4 square (kind of like a corner shop or small store) is this mural painted in memory of the historic Dog Tax War of 1898. Apparently the annual tax was introduced because many people, especially Maori around the area owned dogs for hunting and they thought it was a type of discrimination against them.
In the 1890s a dog tax was introduced of 2 shillings and sixpence. The Maori people from Kaikohe West through to the harbour were opposed to it including Waima's Hone Toia not only because many used their animals for hunting but because the tax represented the erosion of their chieftainship. Toia said "first they're going to tax dogs, then they're going to tax people". The stand off occurred when an armed Toia with fewer than 20 men marched to Rawene. Although no blood was shed, the government sent a 120 strong force to the town where he was arrested and served time in old Mount Eden prison.

Unfortunately I've been unable to find the artist of this work but it is located near the Rawene Ferry wharf at the bottom of the main street in the Hokianga.

Linking up with Monday Murals and Our World Tuesday.


Susan Heather said...

I have seen the mural many times and never thought it had anything to do with dogs.

Bertiebo said...

I like it. Interesting what you tell about it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Just read this on your other blog. Great mural

Andy said...

This is a very interesting mural. It lacks colour (not a bad thing) and the sailing masts extended beyond the edge of the roof.

Tom said...

...what a neat bit of history! It's a nice mural even without the story, thanks.

Klara said...

soon they will tax air that we breathe.

Sami said...

Thanks for contributing Amy and I enjoyed the story behind the mural.

Sharon said...

I like the mural and it has a very interesting history.

Graham Edwards said...

I remember the 4 Square because we stayed in Rawene but I don't remember the mural. I shall have to explore my photos.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh that's quite a story attached to this mural Amy! I'm guessing the dog tax is the same as what we now pay for a dog licence. Is it the same in NZ? It's a beautiful mural ✨

kwarkito said...

A wonderful mural and thank you for the explanation. It certainly was a discrimination act :-(

William Kendall said...

A vivid mural. That's a part of history I wouldn't have known about.

Bill said...

The mural is well done and beautiful. The background story is very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Fun60 said...

An interesting background to the mural.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Interesting history and wonderful mural

Rhonda Albom said...

That's an interesting story. I wonder if all the new taxes we've been getting recently will warrant a mural?

Lady Fi said...

What a lovely mural and an interesting story behind it.

Aditya Narayan Mohanty said...

Beautiful shot . Please tell something about my capture on my blog.


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