Monday, 15 October 2018

The old Kerikeri Blacksmith's

Just opposite the Kerikeri Stone house is this wee gem. It's apparently the old blacksmith's shed which is approximately 160 years old.

However when we opened the doors we were in a for a huge disappointment. The interior and exterior have not been looked after very well which is a real big shame.

I was expecting it to be perhaps set up as it would've been once upon a time but it looks like the cafe next door are using it as a storage area. Could be a good learning experience for people if they actually looked after it. We need to look after our historical buildings in NZ.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday.


Fun60 said...

I think the owners are missing out on some tourist trade by not using its heritage to better advantage.

William Kendall said...

It's a shame the interior doesn't match the potential of the exterior.

Amy said...

exactly, I agree.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That strikes a chord with me, I used to work for a blacksmith before I left school. I always held him up as my mentor, it washis insperation that took me into the proffesion I had. His smithy shop was nothing like that, sad thing is the place was converted into a house years ago.

Andy said...

Delightful find. I am always on the lookout for gems like this.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh no Amy.. just imagine if it had the old original blacksmith's tools and the history on how they were used. It really should be listed!

local alien said...

Now that was a surprise. No anvil, just someone's washing! I presume there was a sign up to tell you what is was 'originally'. Why bother

Sharon said...

I love the photo of the outside. Too bad it hasn't been historically restored. It has potential.

Bill said...

I like the look of the old blacksmith shop. Someone ought to think seriously about restoring it to the way it should look. You're right, tourists would love to see it.

mick said...

Such a mis-match between the exterior and the interior. At least the outside still looks original.

Photo Cache said...

Historical sites like this are so interesting to me.

Worth a Thousand Words

Graham Edwards said...

Back in 2014 I noted it down as being part of a conference centre. I'd have to go back and research it properly. I remember it was closed and I think I got the information from a notice board outside.

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