Saturday, 13 October 2018

As you wish...

So it seems Kerikeri has a wishing well. So what would you wish for? I'm not sure I'd wish for anything really. Maybe enough money to be comfortable in life so I could share it around but then money isn't everything is it?

You may have noticed with commenting on my posts that I've changed it to word verification and moderating? Lately I've been having to deal with quite a few spam comments so for the time being I felt it was best to activate these two features.

Remember a while back I mentioned that I had taken a DNA test through And at the time the results had mentioned some Spanish/Portuguese ancestry on my mum's side? Well a few weeks ago my results were updated, apparently their tools they use for testing have been able to narrow down exactly the regions where her grandfather came from - it wasn't Spain or Argentina as we originally thought - it was actually China and the Philippines. Now that I think about it, it really doesn't surprise me because after I went looking through some old photos of other relatives and those who have passed I can see the Asian influence. The rest of Mum's side has been confirmed as a mixture of Irish/Scottish/Swedish and Dad's side has been confirmed as being Jewish/English - what a combination! Quite funny how it's turned out...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Beautiful place to visit. My wish to be happy & healthy. Not sue of my DNA, my parents come from Ireland so for all intensive purposes I'm Irish but I wonder about my dads side the name is English
Don't use word varification moddeing is enought you can isolate the spam that way

Andy said...

Lovely location to make a wish. My wish would be that spam would automatically self destruct. After about year of not using it I had to switch back to verification to control the spam.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Super image and my wish would be similar to Bill's above ✨ Fascinating about the info Amy, both my parents and their parents were Scottish, but who knows before that, I'm sure there has to be some French blood there somewhere 😉

local alien said...

A very interesting combination in your DNA. Do you know all their stories?

William Kendall said...

A lovely spot.

I find that moderating comments older than a certain point- a week or two- does the trick, as spammers invariably try to post on older posts.

"That day she was amazed to discover that when he was saying 'as you wish', what he meant was 'I love you'. And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back."

Bill said...

A beautiful location to wish for whatever you think you want or need. I would wish for continuing my good health.
I've been getting some spam too every now and then. What a crappy job that must be to go spam people.

Susan Heather said...

Where is the photo taken - I didn't know there was a wishing well in Kerikeri. We had our DNA tested a while back and it was interesting. My part Maori husband is more English than I am. I must go in and check again if it has been updated.

Graham Edwards said...

We are all a mixture of something or other.

Amy said...

If you know where the stone store is, just along the right from there.

Susan Heather said...

I thought it looked like there but didn't know about the wishing well - perhaps it is new.

kwarkito said...

What a wonderful place. It seems so quiet. a place to meditate on genealogy :-)

DawnTreader said...

I've never had my DNA tested but if we go back far enough in history I'm sure we all came from *somewhere*... ;) My maternal grandfather came from far up north in Sweden, my other grandparents (and their parents, and grandparents) were from around where I live now.

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...