Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Spring at the Piapia Reserve

On Monday we decided to drive around the local area and find some new beaches we'd seen on google maps, unfortunately the ones we had in mind looked privately owned as there were gated driveways at the entrances so we instead decided to just keep going.

One of the places we stopped at was the Piapia Reserve, a tiny little cove just off the main road. Apart from us there was only one other person there surfcasting on the main beach. Apparently camping is forbidden there but not car parking so we greatly enjoyed walking on the golden sand and feeling warmth under our feet. Near the signpost were piles of broken Kina shells - I've never tried Kina but when I was little my grandad had whole empty Kina shells  and he use to tell me they were sea eggs so that is what we have always referred to them as. Perhaps I'll get my chance one day.


kwarkito said...

its a beautiful place. And kina shelles too.

Bill said...

A very pretty place. I never heard of kina shells before.

William Kendall said...

Thanks for the link on kina shells. I'd never heard of kina either.

local alien said...

I just love your beaches with so many shells on them. Kina are a delicacy here. We eat them a lot during Lent and they have become an endangered species

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The beach looks amazing Amy, very interesting link to the Kina, love learning something new everyday ✨

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...