Friday, 6 April 2018

The Mad Hatter's Cafe in Kaeo

On our travels this week through Northland there was one day we spent with the other half's cousin Ali, she recommended we stop at this cafe in Kaeo (the small blue painted building to the right).  Kaeo is a very small town that quite often floods when they have heavy rain up there but it's a very old settlement and mostly is occupied by farmers or fishing people.

 Named "The Mad Hatter's Cafe" this quirky little place is in Kaeo, in the far north of NZ. I like anything unusual or different to everyone else and they made a great coffee. This is B posing in the chair.

Decorations on the walls show that odd can be good in a person. I would rather be known as weird because normal is boring in my humble opinion.

And I quite agree with this one, it's always time for tea or coffee. 


Jim said...

What a great chair.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh such fun ~ love the 'big chair' and lovely creative and colorful photos!

Happy Days to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

kwarkito said...

a nicde place where it must be cool to stay

Bill said...

That is one great looking chair. The cafe looks like an inviting place to stop and have a cuppa.

Re your comment about damp or dry cold: We get a damp cold all the time. A lot of the time especially now, it rains a lot of the time with a cold windy chill.

William Kendall said...

The chair reminds me of the Muskoka chairs we see here. Occasionally they're oversized like that for photo ops.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What a quirky little place. Great photos and lots of fun!!

Graham Edwards said...

That really is fun. I don't recall ever seeing it although I've driven up and down SH10 plenty of times. Is it new or off the highway?

Amy said...

hi Graham, as far as I know it's fairly new. There's not alot in Kaeo, it's such a small town in the middle of nowhere so I think they needed something to get peoples attention.

Graham Edwards said...

Thanks Amy. Pauline and I were always on the lookout for coffee stops and Pauline knows most of them I think. I feel very sad that I'll probably not travel that road again. So I shall continue my travels vicariously through you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It is always fun to go to local restaurants especially quirky ones like this.


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...