Monday, 29 January 2018

Time for some Summer colour

It seems NZ is going through some sort of heatwave at the moment. Last Summer was hot but not nearly this hot and parts of the country are experiencing record temperatures of 35 degrees celsius and even higher sometimes. Since many of you in the Northern hemisphere are in the middle of winter I thought I'd share some Summer colour from my recent visit to Te Puna Quarry Gardens. Rhododendron - as above.

Lovely purple Hydrangea - depending on how much you alter the ph level of the soil you can change the colour of the flowers.

Another lovely cream coloured Rhododendron sticking to the shade.

And in the herb and butterfly gardens some Dahlia and Rudbeckia plus some Buddleia line the pathways. 

Because we live in an apartment I only have a small deck area with some plant pots growing miniature geraniums (perfect for coastal conditions) and some succulents I recently planted from cuttings I got from other peoples gardens which they kindly gave me.

Last week however we've had several events happening here...a music concert, surf life saving championships and cricket games so work has been pretty manic and instead of me having my normal 2 days off I worked 7 days - I'm looking forward to my 3 day weekend next week.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday :-)


William Kendall said...

Beautiful flowers!

local alien said...

I love hydrangeas. Mine were blue but now more pink. I googled and found the pH alters the colour but will have to find out how to get 'blue' soil

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous summer colour Amy. I think since we first arrived in Perth the summers are getting cooler, used to have many more over 40C days, this year we haven't had any.. I wish I hadn't said that, there's still time 😀😀

Sharon said...

Beautiful flowers, all of them. We had 30C temperatures yesterday and it's supposed to be even warmer today. Unusually warm for winter in the desert.

b.c. said...

oh i love these flowers and the owl too, so nice to see these while we're in the deep freeze, gives me something to look forward to, thanks for posting them!!

Bill said...

The flowers are very pretty and colourful. The temps you are experiencing would be too hot for me. :) It has been windy and wet here off and on this month. With the wind today, I actually wore some mittens.
Have a wonderful day.

Amy said...

I'm with you Bill, it's way too hot for me even, I'm not a Summer person, in fact I hate it, I much prefer cooler temperatures like Autumn or Spring.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty variety of flowers. Looks like a beautiful garden! Enjoy your day and week ahead!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is just the right amount of gardening for me (in fact it is more than enough, because I'm old and lazy... nowadays I just like to look at other people's hard work. That is a gorgeous Rhody ... and I am surprised to see it blooming in summer ... in Oregon I thought of them as a spring flower (and we never even see them here in Florida).

Photo Cache said...

Something to look forward to at our end. Have a good week.

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