Thursday, 25 January 2018

The mysterious town of Kaingaroa Forest

This place is probably the spookiest place I've ever visited.  What use to be a flourishing thriving forestry town is now populated by a handful of residents and is full of old buildings covered in graffiti

Alot of the houses and buildings here were built for when the town was alot busier. The actual forest covers 2900km in the Bay of Plenty region alone and begins near Lake Taupo and ends at Kawerau.

This is a rather sad looking mural we saw when we drove past the local shops (all 3 of them) and the windows had iron bars across all of them.

I'm guessing this building (above and below) were originally the headquarters of the forestry logging company, very strange to see it empty, broken glass and covered in graffiti.

I don't know how long the buildings have been abandoned but the other half said that when he was younger he remembers delivering packages to here and seeing people working in the offices. Quite sad really that it's been allowed to decline so rapidly.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice old church to start with and I do like a bit of urban exploration and that looks a place well worth a look around

Andy said...

Interesting... a ghost town with graffiti.

Wayne said...

That's fascinating - an entire town abandoned. It's sad, but I'd love to explore a place like this.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

In the American west where I grew up there were lots of towns that became depopulated for various reasons. THey were all kind of eerie. The town you report on seems to have been abandoned not too long ago.

William Kendall said...

Everything but the church seems abandoned.

DrillerAA said...

Graffiti artists simply won't let an abandoned building die in peace. It is sad to see a town die, regardless of the reason.

Rhonda Albom said...

It's a sad town. Too bad it wasn't used for something other than graffiti.

local alien said...

I didn't know there was a town there somewhere. Really interesting. Would love to see it for myself.
Just remember miles and miles of straight road with endless trees

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Similar to some of the western mining towns out here. Yes, they can be very spooky (yet fascinating) to explore. Thanks for sharing!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wow! I wonder how far the handful of remaining handful of residents have to travel to buy 'stuff' Amy? What a fascinating find, the church looks pristine and beautifully looked after.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That IS spooky! A modern-day ghost town. But we love finding stuff like that and I would have taken as many pictures as possible as well!!!

Graham Edwards said...

I've come across a few places in Northland with a similarly abandoned air. I find them rather threatening for some reason.

Andrea said...

That first building is so beautiful, how sad they were abandoned. I wonder what happened there to leave such big investments.

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