Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Camping at Lake Aniwhenua

Welcome to Lake Aniwhenua. This scenic spot is located between Kaingaroa Forest and Te Urewera National Park, it is a man make lake formed by a hydro electric dam - very popular with campers.

The lake is long and narrow with a depth of roughly 2.5m and houses plenty of brown and rainbow Trout.

We were almost going to walk up to the waterfall but decided against it as the day was just beyond stifling and hot, I'm sure we were just over it by this point as we had been out since early that morning - think we just wanted to get home but I'm sure we will make the effort again at some point.


William Kendall said...

It looks like a lovely area.

Graham Edwards said...

I'm getting reports of 40℃ from NZ. Even I, the lover of heat, could and would not contemplate a walk of any effort in that heat particularly if it was humid too.

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...