Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The Karangahake Gorge Railway Tunnel

Lovely Summer's day - the old Karangahake Gorge conservation site, and this part of it which is the railway tunnel loop runs for about 45 minutes. Very cold inside, walls running with dripping water here and there but at over 100 years old what more can be expected?

But it all wasn't well back in the day it was being used by miners according to the 1904 issue of the Evening Post. In fact accidents were still happening 4 years later. There is talk today though of mining starting up again in this area, I hope it doesn't happen as it's such a lovely place to explore.

The railway tracks were apparently removed in 1981, much easier to walk through without them and the whole length of the tunnel is well lit up. A very popular place to explore not just for hikers but also for cyclists.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Great it can still be used, many here are bricked up for bats to live in

William Kendall said...

A ghost story or two there, perhaps?

carol l mckenna said...

Fascinating post and awesome photography ~ ^_^

Graham Edwards said...

Good heavens above! I've never even heard of this. I wish I had have. I'd have loved to explore.

Amy said...

It's definitely worth checking out - a very historical area :-)

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