Friday, 4 August 2017

Winter skies and sculptures in Taupo

Taupo, such a lovely place especially with it's snowy mountains and expansive lake. This particular morning we stopped by it was .5 degrees celsius - very nippy indeed. This sculpture is named Upane by Steuart Welch who is a farmer and owns a nursery at Marton. Apparently he started making farm gates from objects he found here and there. Now after many years he has progressed to making sculptures like the one above and exhibits in the central North Island of NZ.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty sculpture and a nice view of the lake and snow covered mountains.
Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Strange looking sculpture, reminds me of a key hole

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely sculpture juxtaposed against that beautiful blue sky ~ ^_^

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I was thinking key hole too. A pretty blue sky!

Photo Cache said...

Oh I love all the colors here. I love how blue the sky is.

NatureFootstep said...

I love this sculpture. It is beautiful and fits right into the environment :)

Wayne said...

That's a pretty funky sculpture. Having a view of the lake through the sculpture is brilliant.

Rhonda Albom said...

Interesting sculpture. Does it represent something? I could only stand there for so long (it's cold).

Bill said...

What a creative sculpture, I love this. It looks awesome with the blue sky. Very nice photo!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful view!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That sculpture is beautiful against the sea and the beautiful blue sky! I wonder if I would maybe not hate Winter so much if I'd lived somewhere like you do where the sky is blue even if it is cold! here in Oregon it was always so gray and wet and drizzly, bone chilling!

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...