Thursday, 29 June 2017

Need lots of socks...

We've passed the shortest day of the year and now we're nearly a third of the way through Winter. I don't think it's been as cold as it was last year at this time but I do need to buy some new ultra fluffy socks as the ones I have are a bit too thin.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday :-)


Andy said...

Lovely mixture of sun and clouds. The days are exactly the opposite here. We just past our longest day. ☀

Sharon said...

And here we are at the opposite spectrum looking for ways to stay cool. Stay warm!

Bill said...

A beautiful image Amy, I like it. Good luck in finding some good socks. I'm lucky, my wife makes all our socks.

Wayne said...

That's gorgeous. Cold toes are no fun.

William Kendall said...

A beautiful shot!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Shortest, we have just had the longest, really puts you on the opposite side of the world but the sunset looks just as nice

Jim said...

And we are just having our coldest days of the year here in Sydney too. :)

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful sky shot ~ great light ~ keep those feet warm ~ ^_^

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Nothing like fluffy warm socks on a cold winter day! Pretty sky shot and tree silhouette.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty sky and I like the tree silhouette. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead.

Gentle Joy said...

I love the silhouetted tree against the beautiful sky w/ sun and clouds... very nice! Stay warm.... we are having 90 degrees for a garage sale next week (think hot, humid, sticky)... I am going to be thankful though, that it isn't winter!!! :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wish I had some ultra fluffy socks. That sounds grand!

Pauline said...

It sure was cold in the Wairarapa, Amy. Much better here, of course. But I still feel the cold. I have warm socks on my shopping list, today, too!

Buckeroomama said...

That's such a lovely, lovely shot!

Amy said...

I don't envy you, Summer is not one of my favourite season, I much prefer Spring or Autumn.

Lady Fi said...

So very pretty.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful sky!!! And good socks are the key to getting through cold weather in my opinion (especially cold damp weather like what we used to have here in Oregon, when we lived here all year).

Graham Edwards said...

It is beautiful. You have, though, reminded me that from now on my almost 24 hours of daylight is now drawing towards the long, long nights of winter (and we haven't really got summer into full swing yet).

Light and Voices said...

Warmer socks do help get through the winter months. I also prefer a warm pair of gloves. If my feet or hands get cold, I'm done. Love the sky shot posted. We are having a very cold and rainy summer so far. Hoping it will change for the 4th of July celebration.

Rhonda Albom said...

Lovely shot of the winter sun. I've got my woolies on now.

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