Sunday, 2 July 2017

The kiwi gumboot fence

Road trip today! It was one of those Sundays where the weather was dismal and it was well worth getting outdoors instead of being stuck we decided to drive to Opotiki and on the way we spied this fence near the White Pine Forest in Awakeri.

It was covered in peoples donated gumboots, some old and some new. I had said before we left that I needed to get myself a new pair of boots as we quite often end up in places where it's muddy or wet, today I joked that this looked like just the place to get a pair.

Besides, they would've been perfect for today's rainy stormy winter weather...

Linking up with Our World Tuesday :-)


Billy Blue Eyes said...

The mind boggles as to why? But saying that I pass through a town in the UK where they used children's wellies (gum boots) as flower pots and they have been nailed to a fence

Amy said...

your guess is as good as mine, I have no idea either but it was kinda cool as well as odd :-)

Andy said...

This is a first for me. I like it!

Bill said...

Unusual and unique, I like it too. Nice capture!

DrillerAA said...

You just have to wonder, how many critters make their home in these boots?

Sharon said...

I've never seen anything like this before. How fun!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

This is fun. We call those galoshes here in the USA.

Rhonda Albom said...

Hmm. I haven't been that far towards East Cape. Shouldn't they have mounted them upside down?

William Kendall said...

Quite odd. Here they're called rubber boots.

Graham Edwards said...

I was in Opotiki staying with friends last year. They never showed me that though. It makes a great blog post.

carol l mckenna said...

What a delightful and colorful fence ~ great idea! ~ Great photos ~ ^_^

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog ~ ^_^ ~ Hoping for improved weather for you

NatureFootstep said...

something like the lock collections :) But I hope it does not start raining :)

Unknown said...

Hi, there is a facebook page giving the back story on this fence. Check it out

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