Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Sprint car racing 2025


Every year Greymouth's local car club holds street sprint races around the roads in the CBD. There were people scattered around behind wire fences and hay bales that had been put up for safety purposes. This photo shows only a small portion of people in the skatepark watching from up high.

I had my camera on sports mode but still had to be quick to take photos of them zooming past us. B and I got there early at 8am and at first the cars were slowly winding up then an hour or so later they were doing burnouts and racing. The photos below are only a small selection of the cars that were there.

We stayed for a couple of hours but more people turned up just as we were leaving. These cars are known here as sprint cars and also drive around the local speedway.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the worldWordless Wednesday.


local alien said...

Some great cars there, especially the older ones. Lucky you being able to them racing

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You did well, love the yellow Ford Anglia

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Nice pictures and videos of the racing monsters. You show nicely how fast they went.
Doesn't seem like a very safe race for participants and spectators. Hopefully everyone got home without any damage.

Bill said...

We have wannabes who race anytime, they are the boyracers

Lydia C. Lee said...

That's very cool! #WWOT

roentare said...

Love this report. They are not skidding either.

doodles n daydreams said...

The only time they'd get away with doing burnouts outside the Police Station :)

magiceye said...

Must have been fun watching!

NCSue said...

My uncle used to be a race car driver. He would have loved to see this!
Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2025/03/the-masonic-lodge-halls.html

Tom said...

...thanks, this was fun to see.

s.c said...

Those are what you call special cars

Sprint car racing 2025

  Every year Greymouth's local car club holds street sprint races around the roads in the CBD. There were people scattered around behind...