Sunday, 26 January 2025

Ice creams


This mural has been painted onto another utility box outside one of the local takeaway shops, depicting ice creams it's perfect for our weather at the moment. Something nice and cool.

Linking up with Monday Murals.


Jan K. alias Afanja said...

A tasty treat in warm weather.

Bill said...

A wonderful choice for the hot weather.

Tom said...

..yummy even in cold weather.

roentare said...

A lovely ice cream art

Tigger's Mum said...

Nice utility box puc. I have found some more here too while delivering bikes to new families.

Iris Flavia said...

Yummy utility box!

s.c said...

Green ice, new to me, but tasty for sure on a warm day.

Sharon said...

I love the colorful ice creams.

Mae Travels said...

In the US more ice cream is said to be sold in winter than in summer. Actual statistics contradict this belief. Ice cream is always good!
best… mae at

Lydia C. Lee said...

Simple but cute and relevant to the location #MuralMondays

magiceye said...

Love ice creams in any weather!

Sami said...

Lovely mural. I'm sure it make people want to go and buy an ice-cream straight away :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

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