Monday, 25 November 2024

Fire Station 20


If you're a Kiwi you'll know this icon in Auckland City. It's the central fire station which sits at the top of Pitt Street. Many times over the years I've drive past this building and wondered about it's history. 

Apparently it first opened on July 3rd 1902. In 1933 officers were first issued with uniforms and in 1939 after WW2 started there was the start of proper procedures, emergency drills and lessons. These days it's a very busy station still in use while travelling throughout the city.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


roentare said...

Great that you have a new and old image to compare

local alien said...

Amazing, that's over 100 years.

s.c said...

Still a pity that the old building disappeared.

NCSue said...

Thanks for sharing at

DawnTreader said...

Is the old photo of the same building as the white one we see in the background to the right in your new photo? Looks a bit like it to me...

Bill said...

I think DawnTreader is right.

magiceye said...

Would love to see the fire engines too!

Iris Flavia said...

I go with magiceye! Our main fire-station is just around the corner. A safe thought!Yet we never hear them, luckily.

csuhpat1 said...

That is so very cool.

Tom said...

...I like the vintage view best.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What Dawn Treader said,
The modern station is beautiful (and so is the older one)

Sharon said...

I love the Art Deco look of the building.


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