Thursday, 28 November 2024



We are away in Auckland this week and will be back in 3 days so I will leave you with this photo I took outside my work a few weeks ago of a car at one of the 2 charging meters in the parking lot. EV cars seem to be getting more popular these days. In the background is Woolworths Supermarket that use to be named Countdown. Edited to add; this photo was taken around 7am just before I started work one morning so hardly anyone around.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs.


roentare said...

I think hybrid is more of the way to go rather than EV

local alien said...

There are many electric motor scooters here but not so many cars.

Tom said...

...this is becoming a common sight here.

s.c said...

Your photos give sometimes a real deserted sight, but that can be my fault.

Sharon said...

They are very popular around here and charging stations are showing up all over the place.

Bill said...

We have a few chargers here in town and usually can see someone getting a charge.


  Last week my daughter and I decided to check out a new op shop that had opened in town. It was ok, she bought a few things but I didn'...