

B and I went for a sort of road trip over the weekend. We drove out to the Lower Buller Gorge from home, took us about an hour and a half. We stopped in Westport to top up his car tyre pressure, in the end it turns out a sensor is faulty and there was nothing wrong so he will have to get that looked at.


It was a cold Winter's day and sunny so we didn't stay outside the car for too long but it was good to get out.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


Very rugged country. The river doesnt look too high and I love the bush clad hills. So different to where I live now :)
A beautiful area. You are so fortunate to have it within visiting distance (I would love to go there again). Thanks for the memories :)
Pauline said…
Beautiful images, Amy. You are lucky to have such lovely scenery so close to home.
local alien said…
Caltex. That's a sign I haven't seen in many years. Isn't great to get away from home. Lovely scenery.
Veronica Lee said…
It's always refreshing to explore new places, even if it's just a drive away.
The views are breathtaking, Amy!

Have a great week ahead!
Bill said…
Looks like a beautiful area to visit. Great photos.
Fun60 said…
Beautiful blue skies and gorgeous scenery. Well worth the journey.
Lydia C. Lee said…
Lovely spot in the end! #ThruMyLens
magiceye said…
Your photos suggest that the drive was worth it!