Saturday, 1 June 2024



The signs on the left seen in Westport last time we were there, I'm thinking the owners are tired of people squeezing and bruising their produce?

The place where I work has just started selling produce and it's my job to do a quality check on them twice a day. If there are any that have been over squished then I have to put a reduced price sticker on them. The chillies and capsicums in my garden have finally finished but we got quite a few off them over the Summer/Autumn season, now we will replant them in Spring.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


James said...

That's a sign I've never seen before. :-)

Tom said...

...people can be so thoughtless!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

"DON'T BLOODY WELL SQUEEZE THE FRUIT" is a sign I might expect to see at a bathing beauty competition. Note the spelling of SQUEEZE with a "z".

roentare said...

Somehow the signs could repel people away?

magiceye said...

One does gently press the fruit to see how ripe it is I suppose.

Iris Flavia said...

Sad people don´t understand how to test fruits... worldwide.

local alien said...

At the Farmers markets here you see similar signs. Sellers get really mad. But I can see their point. Having to sell it at reduced rates hurts, especially if you're a grower

s.c said...

Its a troublesome sign but I never buy a mellon without testing it ripeness.

Veronica Lee said...

I can imagine the frustration of the owners.

Happy Saturday, Amy!

Anonymous said...

Jim here -- I like the squeeze sign, my sign would say, "You squeeze you buy. It's all good or we wouldn't have put it here."

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hah, I love the sign.
Dealing with little kids when my son was a cub scout, they love to put their fingers on all the foods before they picked which hot dog or hamburger was theirs. Hard habit to break for them.
To this day when I buy a carton of eggs, I open the carton and jiggle each one to make sure it has broken yet.

New Brighton

  While driving through New Brighton last December I spotted this mural on the fence next to one of the local supermarkets. Painted by artis...