Thursday, 9 May 2024

Cobden Cemetery

We have a few cemeteries in Greymouth but this one in a nearby suburb of Cobden is very small. There are approx 49 residents here with the earliest being laid to rest in 1879.

We are getting alot of fine Winter days like this now. The nights are getting down to 3 degrees celsius, the electric blankets are on the beds, the sweaters have come out of the wardrobe with the warm clothes and slippers and there is snow on the mountains through Arthur's Pass. I finally got some yellow Daffodil bulbs planted for Spring but I may buy more but the Freesia bulbs are starting to grow above ground. The cats have all been huddling up with us on the beds and we've lit the fire a few times. It's hibernating season.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


Tom said...

...Cobden is indeed a very small community.

roentare said...

It feels like Gippsland town to me in Vic

Tigger's Mum said...

That is a very under-used cemetary. Im3suprised there weren't more committed to its care back in the 19th century.

magiceye said...

Indeed a tiny community!

doodles n daydreams said...

Cobden is quite a sizable suburb, I think the number of residents refers to the cemetary.

s.c said...

Still nice that they have an cemetary at all.

Sharon said...

You have the chilly weather sneaking up on you and we have the heat sneaking up on us. We are right at the time of seasonal changes.

local alien said...

Hibernating season. How wonderful. We are still between seasons, well, in spring really. I do like the fact that the freezing temps are gone and the heatwaves yet to come!

Graham Edwards said...

I the ten years I lived in New Zealand I never experienced a Southern Winter.

Slabs said...

As you get ready to hibernate, we are gearing up for summer, Lovely glorious and beautiful days.
I visited you via Skywatch Friday. My entry is #16
You can join the WW Words Welcome Wednesday

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

As we are entering summer and running our air conditioner more and more I love reading about you entering fall and winter.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Interesting little cemetery.

Photo Cache said...

I like visiting cemeteries.

Worth a Thousand Words

Joyful said...

I like visiting old cemeteries.

Jim said...

Interesting gateway.

thomas lee said...

interesting to have a year written

Veronica Lee said...

Cobden Cemetery seems like a quaint and peaceful place.
It's fascinating to think about the history and stories behind each headstone.

Happy Friday, Amy!

Paspii said...

Good luck with that hibernation. Hope you don´t freeze up. Meow to your cats too!

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