Wednesday, 17 April 2024



One of Napier's main streets in town

Napier is one of those old town's that has been reconstructed with art deco buildings due to the major earthquake of 1931. Every years they host an "art deco" festival where people dress up in 1930's costumes and celebrate.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


Iris Flavia said...

Everything (?) bad has something good - this sounds SO COOL! Will you provide pics of the festival - I hope!

roentare said...

A nice street facade

Tom said...

...this community is beautiful.

DawnTreader said...

My first thought: Oh, I remember Napier! ... Almost feel like I've visited it myself, because a British blog-friend used to spend a lot of time there, so I've seen a lot of photos... ;)

Jocelyn said...

Sounds like a fun event.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Almost looks like something out of a movie set. I like the art deco vibe!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's a cool thing to happen, the Art Deco festival.

Photo Cache said...

I bet that Art Deco Festival is a huge hit.

Worth a Thousand Words

Jim said...

Such a beautiful city.

Veronica Lee said...

I agree with Spare Parts and Pics - it does look like something out of a movie set.
The art deco festival sounds fun!

Happy Friday, Amy!

s.c said...

It does indeed have an Art Deco touch. Nice.

thomas lee said...

nice street

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...