Saturday, 23 December 2023


I spotted this sign in the local "Robert Harris" cafe advertising a "Christmas Milkshake". I'm wondering what's in it, seems to be maybe something for the younger ones.

Well this week I'm working 6 days so by boxing day I think a much needed rest will be in order. I'm looking forward to starting my new job. There will be lots of new things to learn but I think I will be ok. I'm done with the work drama. 

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Jim said...

We don't get Boxing Day here to celebrate. A lot of folks use a paid leave day for a longer holiday.

local alien said...

A Christmas milkshake ... With lots of cinnamon and ginger maybe. Happy hols

Taken For Granted said...

Amy, that is a wonderful reflection in the window. I might try a Christmas milkshake just for the experience. Perhaps it is peppermint flavored?

roentare said...

Poor thing that you have to work 6 days straight. I am taking a break now.

Bill said...

A Chrsitmas milkshake sounds good and worth a try.

Pauline said...

Now you have me wondering what a Christmas milkshake might be like!
Merry Christmas, Amy.

Bipolaroid said...

Nice refs. So summery. Lucky you.

Tom said...

...I would expect a Christmas milkshake to be red and mint flavored.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Go on it's Christmas. Try the drink. You never know you might like it Amy. Have a wonderful Christmas

William Kendall said...

Peppermint would be possible.

kjsutcliffe said...

Christmas flavoured shakes here (in the uk) seem to have gone 'American' with pumpkin and cinnamon spice flavours. Popular with the younger consumers but I find too sweet and synthetic.

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...