Thursday, 21 December 2023

An afternoon at Rapahoe Beach

The beaches down here on the West Coast are all very wild and windswept - this one is our favourite.

The old hotel still sits back from the beach over the hill and was once quite a popular spot but is now privately owned as a house.

Rapahoe Beach is about 15 minutes from home and usually it has golden sand further down but today the tide was coming in so we pulled up logs to sit on instead of sitting on the stones. This couple in the distance turned out to be a work colleague and they had their little dog with them.

So this beach is roughly 2km long and in the distance in this photo is Point Elizabeth. I was going to walk down and explore the rock pools but feared I wouldn't get back in time once the tide fully came in.

 Lots of textures - this one is a half a mussel shell attached to some seaweed sitting on the rocks.

The seagulls were quite happy to be nosey on the hill behind us.

And we watched this lone surfer brave going out into the waves in his wetsuit - he ended up being dragged over to the opposite side of the beach.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and All Seasons


local alien said...

A wild and windswept beach. Marvellous

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your beach. It looks very rough. A great place to walk but not one where you would lay down and listen the soft ocean.

roentare said...

It is a unique beach with these grey pebbles.

Tom said...

...this beach bum is jealous.

Bill said...

A different kind of beach but I like it. At first I thought it was a desert like place.

Veronica Lee said...

Love all those pretty pebbles adorning the shoreline.

Wishing you a Christmas filled with wonder and joy, Amy.

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures of the seashore!

s.c said...

Looks good.

Sharon said...

Such a beautiful beach but very rocky. The views are gorgeous.

Fun60 said...

It looks a great place for enjoying a walk and so close to where you live.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

So nice to find beaches like this that don't have crowds. Very pretty!

William Kendall said...

Rough looking waters.

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...