Saturday, 9 September 2023


Last week we took my youngest to the airport in Hokitika which is about half an hour away. He's flying to Scotland for a holiday to see friends who live there for a month. First he has to fly from Hokitika to Christchurch then to Auckland then to San Francisco then to Scotland. I think in total it's about 32 hours worth so no doubt he will be jetlagged when he gets there.

Hokitika Airport is very very small. It's only a tiny town on the West Coast of New Zealand with a population of approx 2860 people. While we were waiting I bought a coffee for B and I. Usually I like a a strong mocha but I ended up receiving a long tall black which was way too strong for me so I had to take it back and get what I ordered. Unfortunately it wasn't the best coffee in the end, so I won't be wasting my money there again.

Other people were checking in their luggage and saying goodbye to family and friends while they waited to board the plane.

And this is the other part of the airport - nice and sunny and we could see the snow on the mountains in the distance.

Now the house is quiet without my son but I know he will have a great time while he's away.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Anonymous said...

Heavens to Betsy, he is certainly going by the scenic route! Once I returned to Greece via Melbourne, Brisbane, Singapore and then Athens but your son has a much longer journey. Bon voyage

gz said...

I'm surprised that he is going that way around..we went Christchurch -Brisbane, Brisbane -Dubai, Dubai-Glasgow. (You can do Dubai Edinburgh as well)

Total about 24 hours travelling

Tigger's Mum said...

Bon voyage - our good weather is meant to continue through October so i hope he gets to see the best of what the Bonny land has to offer.

Jim said...

Travelling is fun.

roentare said...

That airport reminds me all these little ones I visited in Northern NSW towns.

Bill said...

That is a long time in the air, he'll have a grand time. The airport reminds me of Fairbanks. It had 2 gates, one for arrivals and the other for departures.

Pisi Prkl said...

Broaden one´s horizon, eh? That´s one long trip.

s.c said...

Half the earth round. What a trip.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Wow, that is quite the flight! You would think there would be a more direct route but apparently not. Don't you just love small airports? (Well, except the coffee)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's a grueling trip your son is embarking but also an adventure!!

Tom said...

...a JOURNEY by air once was fun and exciting, but not now!

At Home In New Zealand said...

I hope your son has an awesome holiday and gets to send you heaps of photos. My brother and wife have just returned from three weeks there and they loved it :)

Pauline said...

What a wonderful adventure for your son. Being young he probably won't have any trouble sleeping on his flights. I hope he has a great time in Scotland.

James said...

Sounds fun except for the long flight. Now I feel bad about complaining about 11-hour flights to Europe.

Klara said...

omg! 30+ hours - you at at the end of the world my dear :-))). bon voyage to the young gentleman, that will be nice experience, I am sure.

William Kendall said...

Quite a journey to make.

William Kendall said...

Quite a journey to make.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...