Thursday, 7 September 2023

Dorothy Falls

For something to do last week on our days off, B and I drove through to the outskirts of Hokitika to this place - Dorothy Falls. It's about 30 minutes out of town and the waterfall lays just off the gravel road past Lake Kaniere. As we are in Spring here, the temperature was about 13 degrees but sunny.

We were the only ones there so we had the area to ourselves. This above is the one way bridge just before the waterfall. There were a few possum traps dotted around the bush area and signs asking people to protect the fresh water by making sure their feet were clean. A very pleasant place to enjoy the quiet.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


Pisi Prkl said...

Sounds - and looks - like a very nice place.

s.c said...

Looks good.

local alien said...

Must have been marvellous to see the falls without others around. Lovely site

Bill said...

Looks peaceful, a beautiful spot.

Tom said...

...that's a lovely waterfall, it has a silhouette.

Sharon said...

That waterfall is beautiful!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A nice long fall... it looks beautiful!

Jocelyn said...

You captured Dorothy Falls perfectly.

roentare said...

A beautiful waterfall!

magiceye said...

Beautiful place to spend a day!

Light and Voices said...

Impressed with sign to make sure your feet are clean before going into the water. Dorothy Falls is beautiful!

Tigger's Mum said...

Now that IS beautiful - even better in sunshine

Photo Cache said...

Waterfalls are crowd pleasers.

Worth a Thousand Words

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I like little trips like yours to go see things. We have Natural Falls State Park about an hour from Tulsa with a similar waterfall.

William Kendall said...

A lovely waterfall.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...