Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Spring action

The seasons are changing here and it feels very much like Spring. We have more sunshine and the days are getting slightly longer. I thought I'd share some bird life I've been seeing outside starting with this brown and orange finch sitting on top of the fence. 

Think this is a Thrush who at the time was very warily checking to see if all was clear, luckily it was as all the cats were asleep inside.


Tiny Green Finches making use of the leftover pizza crust that someone threw on the grass.


Achievements for the week are that I completed a 3 day intensive first aid course at work and I finally finished planting a row of red Camellia Takanini trees that I bought for along the fence. They should make a nice show of colour over future Winters when very little else is growing.

The white blossoms on my neighbour's plum tree are now blooming - hopefully we will have another crop of Plums to pick from the branches hanging over the fence line.

Orange and yellow Calendula are also flowering in my vege garden. Last week I also bought some Tarragon, Oregano, Lettuce, Garlic and Broccoli which went in there too. In the "cat friendly" garden I I have planted some cat grass and cat nip - Tiger was very enthusiastic about this and was supawvising me. When I finished he happily ate some then peed on one of the plants. sigh. 

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


roentare said...

Beautiful bird photos! Happy Spring is coming.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes. The days are getting shorter here.... thumbs up for the first aid course. My last was... phew... 5 years ago, time runs.
Sorry, but your cat made me laugh!

local alien said...

Delightful bird photos. And even more delightful cats lol Theyare real characters.

s.c said...

Great spring shots with those flowers.

Tigger's Mum said...

You have been busy with the camera this week. Can't believe you have calendula flowering already but I suppose it will be September at the end of this week! Naughty Tiger....

Bill said...

Nice bird captures, they are small and cute. Congrats on the completing the first aid course, you never know when it can be handy. I love plums, one of the houses I lived in back in the 80s had three plum trees and the blossoms smelled so nice too. We had to pick the plums faster than the birds if we wanted them. :)

NCSue said...

Don't you love the markings on the thrush? And the finch in the first shot is a beauty, too.
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-ever-changing-sky.html

magiceye said...

Pizza time for green finches! Lovely captures all. Congratulations on completing the 1st aid course.

Sharon said...

Lots of planting going on in your part of the world. I love seeing all those birds.

Tom said...

...the arrival of spring is always a treat. But the change from winter to spring is more dramatic here.

William Kendall said...

Pretty birds!

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