Thursday, 31 August 2023


So what is Organic exactly? Is it food that's grown without sprays and pesticides or is it a fad that people get into. I've seen those who will only buy organic products and produce and I've seen those who really aren't bothered. I grow my own veges and citrus fruits but I'm not to the absolute extreme. How about you?

Linking up with Skywatch FridayAll Seasons and Tom's Signs.


local alien said...

We were having this discussion the other day. Apparently, allegedly, there are 2 types here, , organic and biologogical. To sell anything as organic is has to be inspected and certified. No sprays, chemicals etc but biological prodcue can be sprayed by ecologically certified fertilisers and repellants.
I just buy what's on hand, cheaper and in good shape.

roentare said...

I think I just buy whatever is on sale lol No deep pockets here

Tigger's Mum said...

I prefer the term bio-ethical. There are a lot of approved sprays that are organically derived but are in fact highly poisonous (like pyrethrum for instance). I call my garden bio-ethical in that it is an endeavour to produce food that everything in nature is permitted to have a go at and I try to find other ways to get nature to establish a balance (by encouraging predatory species, or using compost to improve soil fertility and mulch to suppress unwanted plants) so that something is left for me to harvest at the right part of each season. Strong healthy plants have their own ways of staving off the worst of insect attacks, and protecting their space so that 'weeds' don't out compete them for nutrient and light. The other trick is to grow stuff that is genuinely suited to the soil and climate - thriving plants are easier to maintain than struggling ones.

DawnTreader said...

What I wonder about more is - what is soul food?? (Also on that sign...)

gz said...

We stick to organic as much as we can, and grow what we can organically as well.
When you learn what goes on non organic produce...and it doesn't all wash off, and it is the inside thankyou!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I have a relative in South Dakota who raised organic corn on his farm. He said that it takes years of not using chemicals before the crops are chemical free. He did it because he sold his crop under a private contract to one particular buyer at much higher prices than his neighbors got for their conventionally grown crops. He himself though did not eat organic food.

Bill said...

I buy organic sometimes when it's on sale. The food we do buy is often not organic but it is good and healthy. Organic is overpriced IMO.

Jocelyn said...

Interesting commentary. I try to buy some organic, but it is expensive. Nowadays you just can't know what is in the food source.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Pretty much the same as you. Farmers market when I can (we don’t garden anymore because we are old and lazy. (Oops, no, I mean because we travel). (Both those things are true.). In supermarkets, I’ll do organic if I can (price and “looks” comparison). Husband swears he can tell the difference between organic and “regular” bananas, so it’s always those. Otherwise whichever.

Photo Cache said...

WE buy what looks good and what's reasonably priced.

Lisa said...

I don't go out of my way to buy organic. Sometimes it's a lot more expensive. I don't spray my own vegetables I grow. I did spray my fruit trees, because they are a pain and a half, and I no longer bother with fruit trees!
Organic isn't any healthier as far as nutrition, conventional and organic have the same vitamins, etc.
I recently learned organic dairy can be unkind to the animals, since if they get sick they aren't given antibiotics.
When I worked for a ranch store we fed the chicks organic since once an animal eats non-organic it can't be considered organic, which makes no sense to me.

Pisi Prkl said...

I eat way less vegs than is recommented. Next to nothing to be honest. Should better my ways for healthy reasons.

I like your small town vibes. Nice street scene. I like it a lot.

Joyful said...

I'm not extreme. I buy what I can afford.

Tom said...

...I'm like Joyful.

Lydia C. Lee said...

It is also meant to include no seepage from other soil outside a certain radius....I guess by nature organic food is seasonal #Allseasons

Klara said...

me neither (extreme :-). cudos for growing your own vegetables and specially citrus!

Graham Edwards said...

What I grow is largely organic. I've just read that bone-meal is organic. What I but is organic if I feel it's an appropriate option but I'm not fanatical.

Graham Edwards said...

What I grow is largely organic. I've just read that bone-meal is organic. What I but is organic if I feel it's an appropriate option but I'm not fanatical.

Graham Edwards said...

"What I eat is organic" not "but".

William Kendall said...

I don't put much thought into it.


Photo of a part of Greymouth near the Grey River taken around 8pm at night so not many people around. It's been a funny week so far. I...