Sunday, 9 July 2023

Kumara's main street

A nearby town to Greymouth is this one, Kumara (not the vegetable we have here and it's pronounced differently) was once a booming gold town, part of the mining era of the 1800s. These days it's a shadow of it's former self. I think from memory it has a pub, a petrol station and some streets with houses. The town got it's name from a surveyor in that area named Arthur Dobson (Dobson is also a suburb in Greymouth) after a change of Kohimara which is the Maori word for the white flowers of the bush that grow along the river.

Once upon a time, in this photo from between 1870-1879 there were once 27 hotels in the main street. In 1876 gold was found in glacial gravel so hydraulic sluicing was the only feasible way to recover it. Over a 20 year period large water races and sludge tunnels were created and most of the land behind the town was sluiced into the nearby Taramakau River. The mining eventually eased off in the late 1890s but dredging carried on until the 1960s.

Some information taken from West Coast History

Linking up with Blue Monday and Mosaic Monday.


Tom said... times have changed.

Andy said...

History always has something of interest to remind of the past.

roentare said...

I like the old and new in one post. Time goes on.

local alien said...

My grandmother used to talk about Kumara though I don't think they actually lived there.
Love the photos and history anyway

Bill said...

The town has some interesting historical stories from its past. Nice old photo.

s.c said...

What a history.

Iris Flavia said...

Great, old photo. Sad story, though.

William Kendall said...

How things do change.

Blue Skies

  All of a sudden when late December kicked in the hot weather arrived. Photo taken along one of the main roads in Greymouth town centre. Th...