Saturday, 8 July 2023

Auto Diesel


It's not often we see road works down here but for the last few days we've had to wait in line for some council work to be done.

It turns out they were trimming the greenery around the side of the mountain road on the way home. Rocks and trees tend to fall down onto the road in front of cars when there is a big storm.  Good to see they are keeping busy.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Bill said...

Good to keep the roads clear of rocks and tree limbs.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Hopefully that makes that stretch of road a bit safer for motorists. Can't be much fun having something crashing down as you drive past.

Jim said...

Don't you just love having to wait for road work to get out of your way. It looks like yours had gone down to a single lane, cars wait for their turn. It looks like the garage has closed until the road work has finished stopping traffic.

roentare said...

Roadworks are annoying but the sceneries are gorgeous

Tom said...

...council work is a term that I've never heard!

Betty J. Crow said...

I never like getting caught in traffic because of road work, but it is necessary. Love your colorful header photo!

local alien said...

Some of our mountain roads have huge wire nets to stop things falling on the road. It's a huge danger. Good they're keeping things clear

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Can be frustration but of course necessary work Amy. I hope you have a lovely week ahead I am away next week with NO internet!

s.c said...

Ha seeing some of your taxs spend on public works. Nice

Jim said...


James said...

It's necessary but can be annoying.

William Kendall said...

Road work is common here.

Blue Skies

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