Thursday, 22 June 2023


So there's not alot this week to report on. It's been very mild with a similar Winter to what we had last year, sunny and reasonably cold but not too much considering we live in the South Island. There was one morning last week when we had quite a heavy frost with a 0 degree low at night but now with rain due we have warmer days and nights.

The cats have been creeping onto our beds at night and it's funny how loud they snore. Still no snow on the mountains though but plenty of mist hanging around.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and All Seasons.


local alien said...

I love your photo of that frosty lawn. I haven't seen a frost in many years

roentare said...

All the frost on the grass

s.c said...

Great header, Good street photography. I love it.

Tom said...

...a frosty morning seems a long ways off here at the moment.

Tigger's Mum said...

Another fabulous sky... cats and snoring... well.... there must be hundreds of cats that snore loudly (because humans never do!) Wry smirk xxx Mr T

Bill said...

The frost looks pretty.

William Kendall said...

That is a pretty sight.

Jocelyn said...

Lovely photos.

Pauline said...

We've had one frost here this winter, now it's just wet. Love your first shot with the mist hanging around the mountains.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty sky in the first photo. Stay warm!

Pisi Prkl said...

Cats are so much fun. Meow! Stay Warm.

Jim said...

Great colours in those clouds.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

When it is hot and humid here I love looking at your wintery photos. It cools me off some.

magiceye said...

Love these captures!

Veronica Lee said...

The frost does look pretty.

Lovely captures, Amy!


  This is the season (Summer) where it's good to see children outside doing activities like cycling - this photo was taken on the outski...