
In the mornings now usually the fire is started and funny seeing all 4 cats around it trying to get warm. Luckily my house as a DVS system which is like a home ventilation system that keeps the interior at an even temperature so it's not too cold. The days are mostly dreary and overcast with mist over the mountains so no doubt we will see snow on the tops soon.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


Cats do love warmth, so I'm not surprised they gather around the fire. Your mountains may be misty, but they are still breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you for your recent visit to my blog and for leaving a kind comment.
roentare said…
It is a peaceful and calming place to be.
s.c said…
Great header and a nice shot of the walk along the water. Must say thats a big clock tower on that little building.
Tom said…
...a DVS system is a new term for me.
local alien said…
So nice to have a warm house on dreary days. For you and the cats
Sharon said…
Hard to imagine dreary and cold when it's 100 degrees here.
William Kendall said…
My kind of weather!
Bill said…
Our cats and dogs used to love to lay in front of our heat monitor when we lived in Fairbanks.
It's really too hot for me here in Florida right now so I enjoyed your misty moisty morning very much!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
A DVS system sounds interesting. Hadn't heard of such a thing. Looking at their site it sounds just the thing for cold humid weather.

Stay warm and dry.
Lydia C. Lee said…
I can feel it here - brrrr....#MCoW
Tigger's Mum said…
That photo is evidence for the name of your river - we guess. Snow on the Two Thumbs range yesterday, and even Mt Hutt has snow now, so you will be seeing it soon. F
Pisi Prkl said…
Aww, them cats..