Sunday, 11 December 2022

Monteiths Brewery Mural

 Another long mural again. - this one from local artist RAJA aka Mark Haldane. This one is painted on the side of the Monteiths Brewery building in Greymouth. It shows not just the history of the town but also the building and business itself. 

They aren't just a restaurant but also offer tastings and a shop where customers can buy their specialty brews.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Susan Heather said...

What a lovely mural. There seems to be so much in Greymouth.

William Kendall said...

That is very well done.

Iris Flavia said...

Very good way to show the history of the town!
Very well done!

roentare said...

The mural shots are very original!

Andy said...

Wow! Very nice... lots to see in this mural.

Tom said...

...I love the history shown on this mural.

local alien said...

Fantastic mural. I wonder if it's just one artist or a team . So well done

Bill said...

Beautifully done.

DawnTreader said...

Nice way to connect to the history of the town!

Pauline said...

I wish my history lessons were that intersting when I was a child. Good on Monteith's Brewery. Pauline

Mae Travels said...

Both the content and the skill and taste of the artist is great in the murals you depicted. They really seem to capture another time.

best…mae at

magiceye said...

Fine art!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love the historical aspect of this gorgeous mural. Really, really well done, Amy.

Veronica Lee said...

Such a magnificent mural!

And beautifully captured, Amy.

Happy Monday!

Bertiebo said...

Beautifully painted. To look at for a long time...

Sami said...

Wow, what a great artist, the murals are so well done.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

gz said...

We look forward to seeing that.. hopefully at the beginning of March

s.c said...

Great mural in two ways. I like it.

Sharon said...

I love a mural that tells a story.

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