Friday, 16 December 2022

Greymouth Railway Station


So Greymouth has alot of heritage buildings, some in not so good condition and others still looking like the day they were built.

This baby is situated pretty much in amongst supermarkets and restaurants and was first opened in 1876 with the purpose of being used back and forth between town and the Brunner Mine.

Once the rail system on the West Coast grew, this station became the centre of the railway network and started being used for the goods network from the main port area.

As it became busier it was rebuilt in the 1890s and was re-opened in 1897 but what was done became in adequate and extra facilities were added several times in the 1900s. These days it's used for the TransAlpine train tours between Greymouth and Christchurch - it's sort of a feature and is a category 1 place by Heritage NZ.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs. 


Tom said...

...I love old train stations and this one is great.

roentare said...

The era is written all over it. Good shots of the station

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

It looks perfect - like it's new

Jim said...

Great railway station.

Pauline said...

That's a beauty. I don't know why most train stations are modernised when there is so much character in the grand oldies. Pauline

gz said...

We love the way they used old railway lines as supports for the platform roof

Tigger's Mum said...

It is not unlike the Ashburton railway station in the east but tourism has saved yours and the Ashburton one is vlosed to passengers these days - no passenger trains stop there despite being on the main north south line.

Fun60 said...

I was pleased to hear that it is still in use. It looks a lovely old station.

Andy said...

That is one beautiful train station. Everything is spotless.

s.c said...

Looks very good indeed.

thomas said...

beautiful old station

Jim said...

That's a nice, well kept train station. Really good dissertation of what we are seeing. Here many of our tracks have been removed, the truck industry took over back in the 1900's. Cross country and coal and the likes are still running. Also some depots have been converted for other use. The Nebraska side of the tracks from Omaha to Souix City are gone, the east side over in Iowa still remain.
Also want to cheer for your new kittens. Pretty too.

Sharon said...

What a great looking building. I think I'd enjoy that train tour.

Bill said...

Nice looking railway station.

local alien said...

So nice and clean. We have seen a couple of programmes recently about the transalpine. I'd love to make the trip and begin or end here

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful old train station. I'd love to have rail as an option for travel. Tulsa used to have two major passenger train stations back in the day.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A beautiful old building and looks to be very well maintained!

Andree said...

It's beautiful. I really like the circular bracing holding up the roof (if that is what you call it).

William Kendall said...

I like the look of it.

Bird on a sign

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