Saturday, 12 November 2022



Another photo from Serpentine Beach when we first moved down here in April. This is one of the places on the West Coast where you can find Greenstone, it's pretty much all over the beach.

Linking up with Weekend reflections and the Weekend roundup.


local alien said...

Greenstone? Amazing. Have you collected some?

Bill said...

Cool shadow!

roentare said...

Lovely shadow of you on the beach against the natural relaxing looking sky

William Kendall said...

Excellent shot.

Tigger's Mum said...

Have you found any decent pounamu yet yourself.

magiceye said...

Very nice

At Home In New Zealand said...

Love that the only sign of life on that wild beach is a shadow :)

Fun60 said...

A good shot with that expanse of sea and sky.

Tom said...

...I like your SHADOW on SERPENTINE Beach.

vesselsmemories said...

A lovely picture, Amy. The beach looks just like mine at home in New Hampshire, USA.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A shadow selfie!!

Sharon said...

Great photo. I love the way the waves and water have literally sculpted the sand and shoreline.

Klara said...

lovely beachscape.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the strong shadow standing on a sandy beach Amy. I hope you have a lovely week ahead.

Jim said...

Nice tall shadow. Living near the Coast must be nice. Ours, the Gulf of Mexico is about an hour drive.

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...