Sunday, 12 June 2022

Greymouth Evening Star Mural

I spotted this mural on the side of the local Newspaper building - the Greymouth Evening Star which was first established in 1866. It's circulation area covers most of the West Coast from Westport right down to Haast in South Westland. This mural depicts the town's history through the gold and coal mining era as well as today.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


local alien said...

Another such original mural and what a great idea to depict the town's history. Wish I could see it close up.

Tigger's Mum said...

Almost photographic quality - a great history lesson in one viewing.

Andy said...

Lovely mural with a lot of history.

Tom said...

...quite a history lesson.

Einari Sinappi said...

Fantastic piece of history. Plain great!

magiceye said...

Beautifully done.

Fun60 said...

I remember seeing that mural when I visited in 2012. I have a photograph of it somewhere.

Bill said...

Love these kinds of murals that celebrate a town's history.

Sharon said...

A great way to honor the past.

Iris Flavia said...

A very interesting and clever one.

Bertiebo said...

The people on the mural could not have imagined that cars are parked in front of their image

Sami said...

I love historical murals, so lovely. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It could take all day to read everything on this mural. There is a LOT to see and read on it. I love the history it shows, too. Great photo, Amy.

Mae Travels said...

It would be interesting to see closeups of the headlines — they aren’t legible with my screen

best… mae at

William Kendall said...

I do like it.

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...