Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Arahura River


Last week on Queens Birthday Monday, B and I drove to the Arahura Valley which is just north of Hokitika in search of Pounamu aka Greenstone. Originally I was under the impression that the ordinary person was not allowed to pick up this gem from river beds but after googling again B found more up to date information which said that you can as long as it's not from private property.

We had heard that this particular river is a good place to start so we carefully climbed down the rocks to the water below which was freezing cold.


We managed to walk across the river further upstream where it was shallow over to the sand and rocks on the other side. 

These are the pieces that we found not just on the sand but in the river water. When they are wet you can see how green they are but once they dry they turn a dull grey. B is going to buy some polishing equipment so we can shine them up nicely.

Linking up with Through my lens, Tuesday treasures, Ruby Tuesday, My corner of the world, Wordless Wednesday.


Lydia C. Lee said...

That's so lovely - it's very unusual looking but beautiful! #ThruMyLens

Pauline said...

Even without that fab haul of greenstone, that must have been a beautiful place to visit. The water does look cold though.

Tigger's Mum said...

Worth braving the freezing water for. That water comes straight off the alps.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful stones. I still have some Bill from Ireland sent over - Ingo wants to make jewlery from it.

Bill said...

Never heardof greenstone but I do love rocks and have a little collection of them.

Tom said...

...those stone will be beautiful when they are polished.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Awesome finds. I found a few pieces on the beach when I was down there - I believe you must also carry them off the public property in your hands, not use machinery etc. What amazed me was how many different kinds of greenstone there are. Good luck with the polishing :)

Veronica Lee said...

I've never heard of greenstone but these are beautiful!

Happy Wednesday, Amy!

magiceye said...

They are indeed gems!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Those are some nice finds of rock.

William Kendall said...

Quite pretty.


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