I've never seen a ceramic life sized chair quite like this one. Sitting next to Hokitika beach this one was created by artist Veronika Maser in 2005 in memory of Henry and Pat Pierson who sponsored her to create this, they are fondly remembered by their town and community. It was good to see so many people when we visited here as the country has been pretty quiet in regards to tourism because of Covid, however I have to say that the one thing that has saddened me over the last 2 years is the amount of vile comments and bullying I've seen from anti-vaxxers etc - it's been astounding.
For the last 2 weeks there have been protestors outside parliament in Wellington who only represent a very small minority of people who are making all sorts of ridiculous demands. I just wish everyone would be more respectful of each other.
Linking up with Skywatch Friday.
...what little patience that I ever had for anti-vaxxers is gone completely!
They are here too. Occupying the downtown core of my city harassing the residents with truck horns and other means.
I truly despise them at this point. If they were trapped in their trucks and the trucks were on fire, I would let them cook.
it takes a lot to step aside from the anger it creates when people are this way, as if there isn't already enough strife the world over--on a brighter side its nice to see NZ's athletes in the winter olympics :))
I do wonder if 'anti-vaxxers' are just angry people who need something / anything to bitch about. In many ways they are not unlike the 2011 rioters in London. Some people are just so bent out of shape they'll make an angry argument out of anything -cut off nose to spite face kind of people. I'm not particularly samaritan. I'm a 'leave them to their own fate' kinda person. Give them a choice with pros and cons laid out reasonably and in full, and make them live with the consequences of the option they choose. I just wish they'd afford the rest of us the same basic respect.
If they weren't protesting about the vaccine they would find something else to protest about. It is sad they cannot use their energy in a more worthwhile way for the benefit of others.
There´s some in Finland too. Anti-vax people are a minority but loud one. Keep Safe!
There's some anti-vaxxers here too. If they don't want to be vaccinated that's fine with me just take the consequences of your choice. Why bother other people who choose to be vaccinated. I guess they just want to complain about something and this gives them a platform.
I love that chair, it a beauty.
Ditto here. People having more respect for each other would really help the situation. At first glance, I thought that was a fabric covered chair!
I love your chair.
Here in Oklahoma, the anti-vaxers rule everything. The governor prattles on about "ensuring personal liberty and autonomy." The Attorney General goes on about how the vaccines have not been proven. etc.
ha, you fooled me. I thought someone left an armchair on the beach - it looks real.
Respect... there will always be dumbheads who cannot even spell it.
Fun chair, but could imagine you should be careful sitting down`? Hot-hot-hot?
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